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14-01-2022 - 12:29 am
These companies below in the list play major roles in the impressive growth of the pharma industry in czech republic , and they are the companies that engage in research and development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of chemical and biological

Mucos Pharma CZ s.r.o.

-Pharmaceutical company in Pruhonice, Czech Republic
website : https://www.mucos.cz/
Address: Uhříněveská 448, 252 43 Průhonice, Czech Republic

Janssen - Cilag s.r.o.

A pharmaceutical company in Prague, Czechia
website : https://www.janssen.com/czech/
Address: Walterovo náměstí 329/1, 158 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic


A pharmaceutical company in Prague, Czechia
Address: Budova B, Gemini, Na Pankráci 1724/129, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czech Republic
website :https://www.novartis.cz/cs

Teva Czech Industries s.r.o.

A pharmaceutical company in Opava, Czechia
website :https://www.teva.cz/
Address: Ostravská 29, 747 70 Opava-Komárov, Czech Republic

VUAB Pharma, Inc.

A pharmaceutical company in Rostocki, Czechia
Address: Vltavská 53, 252 63 Roztoky, Czech Republic
website : https://www.vuab.cz/en/