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29-01-2022 - 09:42 pm
fast and commitment are what you look for when it comes to shipping companies
shipping companies in Austria provide their clients with reliable, comprehensive,
and cheap shipping services , then ,Here we present to you the five best shipping
companies in Austria

Far East Land Bridge

Far East Land Bridge Ltd. specializes in Eurasian transportation of 40ft DV, 40ft HC and 20ft containers from the Far East (China, South Korea and Japan) to Russia/Europe and vice versa using the Trans-Siberian rail freight connection. Our clients can gain significant financial advantages from the short transit time of 14-22 days (depending on volume and relation).
website : https://www.felb.world/
adress : Rivergate Handelskai 92, Gate 2/3.OG/Top G, A-, Vienna, Vienna 1200 ,Austria
phone :+43 (1) 890 63 39 0

SACO Shipping

SACO Shipping - with its Headquarters in Hamburg and branches in Bremen, Duisburg, Vienna, Basel, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest, was founded in 1988.
The company has remained in private hands and is run by its owners Andrea Briks and Harald Pahl and the Managing Director Christian Wahl.
As a neutral NVOCC service provider with a worldwide network of agents, SACO Shipping unites countries and markets, meeting your requirements across all key methods of transportation.
website : https://secure.saco.de/en/home/
adress : Fabianistrasse 7, Vienna, Vienna 1110,Austria
phone :431890445515


HMM Agency (Austria) GmbH is operating as Agent for HMM Co., Ltd. in Austria, offering the full range of HMM’s services to/from Austria, providing global transportation and logistics solution.
website : http://www.hmmagency.eu/
adress : Traungasse 1/4/75 , Vienna, Vienna 1030,Austria
phone :4317408600


PAKET4YOU is the economical solution for your business parcel shipping - throughout Austria and internationally. Easy to use, short standard delivery times and an excellent price / performance ratio.
website : http://www.paket4you.com/
adress : TOPCAR LOGISTICS Spedition & Handel GmbH Am Graben 12A , Vienna, Vienna 1010,Austria
phone : 4315351309


in 2004 began UnitCargo. From a very small beginning, literally a desk in the basement, the business grew slowly but steadily utilising his past knowledge of the Balkans to Germany routes, which were soon expanded to connect to Scandinavia.
website : https://www.unitcargo.at/
adress : Hietzinger Kai 13/ Top 7 , Vienna, Vienna 1130,Austria
phone : +43 1 577 25 03